$upload_errors = array(
UPLOAD_ERR_OK => "No errors.",
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "Larger than upload_max_filesize.",
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "Larger than form MAX_FILE_SIZE.",
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "Partial upload.",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "No file.",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "No temporary directory.",
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => "Can't write to disk.",
UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "File upload stopped by extension."
1) text size dynamically
2) format for phone
3) preview before saving
4) choose text color (block or white)
5) support for png
6) admin features for quickly deleting
Meme Creator
Create a Meme. We will print them out and display them in the gallery
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// process the form data
$tmp_file = $_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name'];
$target_file = basename($_FILES['file_upload']['name']);
$upload_dir = "upload";
// You will probably want to first use file_exists() to make sure
// there isn't already a file by the same name.
// move_uploaded_file will return false if $tmp_file is not a valid upload file
// or if it cannot be moved for any other reason
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $upload_dir."/".$target_file)) {
// $imagen = ImageCreateFromJPEG($upload_dir."/".$target_file);
$imagen = new Imagick($upload_dir."/".$target_file);
$imagen->scaleImage(600, 0);
$message = "File uploaded successfully.";
} else {
$error = $_FILES['file_upload']['error'];
$message = $upload_errors[$error];